Beginning with our owner and leadership, included in our core values, throughout our messaging and sales motion, and onward to support client confidence, diversity plays a key role throughout Source Authority.

Founded by a Service-Disabled Veteran, we pride ourselves on developing solid relationships with other Veteran Owned Businesses. These relationships continually focus on strengthening the Veteran community, both in business and outside the business. Giving back to this community and drawing attention to the plight Veterans undergo when returning to the civilian world is of utmost importance.
Additionally, we ensure that businesses experiencing similar struggles related to race, gender, and/or sexuality are never excluded. Rather, we support these businesses when and where we can do so.
On occasion, supporting the minority community also means putting our values on display to defend minority businesses. A recent instance of this is our initiative to protect the integrity of minority programs that are easily taken advantage of by bad actors such as Pass-Through entities.
Pass-through – An entity that does not add value greater than the Diversity benefit they offer. They offer no “commercially useful function” to the transaction. If removed from the transaction, their absence would not be noticed other than their Diversity status.
In combating Pass-throughs, Source Authority is pushing an initiative forward that would allow small businesses like Source Authority to better participate at all market levels. This initiative focuses on a multi-faceted approach to dismantle current Pass-through entities and create a Diversity OEM for diversity manufacturers like Source Authority.